Department Wise COs (Course Out Comes)




Paper Name

Paper codeOutcomes After completion of the course the student should be able to






Problem Solving in “C”







CO1: Understand the evolution and functionality of a Digital Computer and learning about Algorithms, programming languages

CO2:understanding the basic C concepts and control structures

CO3:Learning the arrays and its types

CO4: Understand„ C‟ language  like functions, structure, union etc.

CO5:Gain knowledge of pointers and file concepts



Problem Solving in “C”- Lab




·         Acquiring practical knowledge of

·         Functions

·         Arrays

·         Call by value & Call by reference.

·         String operations

·         Pointers








Data Structures using C








CO1: Understand available Data Structures, principles of programming and analysis of algorithms

CO2: Comprehend Data Structure and the irreal-time applications–Arrays, Linked List

CO3: Comprehend Data Structure and their real- time applications–stack, Queue

CO4: Have knowledge on Data Structures basic operations like insert, delete, search, update and traversal On Binary tree

CO5: Develop ability to implement different Sorting and Searching methods also gain knowledge on graphs





Data Structures Using C Lab






Acquiring practical knowledge of

·         Arrays

·         Linked List

·         Stacks

·         Queues

·         Trees

·         Graphs

·         Searching and Sorting









Database Management System








CO1: Gain knowledge of Database and DBMS.

CO2: Model database using ER Diagrams and design data bases schemas based on the model.

CO3: Demonstrate an understanding of

relational model basic concepts and normalization theory ,CODD rules, CO4:Create a small database using SQL and Store, Retrieve data in database. Understand the

fundamental concepts of DBMS with special emphasis on relational data model

CO5:understanding the PL/SQL programming language and triggers




Database Management System-LAB





Acquiring practical knowledge of

·         Over view of Data Base Management

·         Entity Relation Ship Model

·         Relational Model

·         Structured Query Language

·         PL/SQL






Object Oriented Programming using Java







CO1: Understand  the basic concepts of java, control statements and arrays

CO2: Understand different computer programming paradigms like strings, methods, classes, objects and inheritance

CO3:Gain knowledge of polymorphism, interfaces ,packages and exception handling

CO4:Understanding the concepts of streams and threads

CO5: Develop the ability to build applets and java data base connectivity




Object orientated programming through java lab





Acquiring practical knowledge of

·         Arrays

·         Strings

·         Methods in java

·         Interfaces

·         Packages

·         Threads

·         Applets







Operating Systems






CO1: Understand the basics of operating systems and types

CO2:Views of operating systems and various CPU scheduling algorithms

CO3:Remove deadlocks and understanding the semaphores

CO4: Explain various memory management techniques and concept of thrashing

CO5: Recognize file system interface, protection and security mechanisms. Explain the various features of android operating system.




Operating Systems-LAB





Acquiring practical knowledge of

·         Models of operating system

·         Process Management

·         Memory Management

·         File and I/O Management

·         Dead Locks

·         OS Security



C6 6A Web interface designing technologies







CO1: Understanding the basic concepts of HTML CO2: Gain knowledge about HTML forms, API’s and CSS

CO3: Demonstrate skills regarding creation of a static website and an interface to dynamic website. CO4: Learn how to install wordpress and gain the knowledge of installing various plugins to use in their websites.

CO5:Understanding the parent and child theme



Web interface designing technologies






·         Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.

·         Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets.

·         Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (Client side programming).

·         · Create XML documents and Schemas.




C7 7A  Web applications development using PHP and MYSQL







CO1:Understanding the building blocks of PHP like variables ,operators ,functions etc

CO2: Acquire knowledge on arrays, functions and strings

CO3:creating forms and also understanding the concepts of session ,cookie

CO4:Explain the concepts of working with files, directories and images

CO5: Develop the ability to connect PHP and MYSQL

.Gain knowledge on MYSQL data





C7 7AWeb applications development using PHP and MYSQL








·      Analyze the basic structure of a PHP web application and be able to install and maintain the web server, compile, and run a simple web application.

·      Learn how databases work and how to design one, as well as how to use php My Admin to work with MySQL.

·      Learn different ways of connecting to MySQL through PHP, and how to create tables, enter data, select data, change data, and delete data. Connect to SQL Server and other data sources.












Information Technology








CO1:Describe the fundamental hardware components that make up a computer’s hardware and the role of each of these components

CO2:MS word creation of documents letters invitations etc, tables, mail merge, animations in word, formatting text

CO3:MS Excel performing different formulas, creating charts, macros CO4:MS power point slide creation, creation of animation

CO5:MS Access creation of database, forms and reports








E- Commerce & Web Designing









CO1: Understand the foundations and importance of E- commerce

CO2:Gain knowledge on E-payment systems like debit cards, credit cards, online banking etc CO3:Explain about online business transactions

CO4:Ability to built website designing using HTML and DHTML

CO5: Understanding the security concepts and encryption techniques





Programming With C & C++






CO1:Understand the basic C concepts and control structures

CO2:Explain arrays and looping structures

CO3: Learn strings and Use functions and pointers in your program CO4:Understanding the basic concepts of OOPS, Describe and use constructors and destructors.

CO5: Understanding the concept of inheritance and types


Database Management System



CO1:Understanding the basic concept of Data base management system CO2:Gain knowledge about file based

system and data models.



CO3: Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios CO4:Populate relational database and formulate SQL queries on data.

CO5: Understanding the PLSQL and triggers












E–Commerce Application Development







CO1:Understanding the evaluation and importance of E-commerce

CO2: Understand the business models of E-commerce

CO3:Explain how the electronic data exchange and digital economy CO4:Understanding the client and

server side scripting

CO5:Logging to word press and adding photos,hyper links












Real time governance system(RTGS)







CO1: Understandable basic concepts of

E- Governance and types

CO2:Gain knowledge on E- governance


CO3:Explain E-Governance and country


CO4:Gain knowledge on E-governance

in India

CO5:Understanding the latest applications

in real time governance.
















Discrete Mathematical    Structure







CO1:Understand sets and perform operations and algebra on sets

CO2: Evaluate combinations and permutations on sets.

CO3:Determine algebraic structures and morphism

CO4: Determine properties of Boolean lattices and Boolean algebra

CO5:Prove mathematical theorems using mathematical induction

CO6: Ability to understand proof techniques

CO7:Define graphs, digraphs and trees, and identify their main properties









Data Structures & File Structures











CO1:Understanding the Stack and its operations

CO2:Understanding the Queue and its types

CO3:To Understand basic concept about linked lists and types

CO4:Gain knowledge on trees and tree traversing techniques

CO5:Ability to understand binary search tree


CO6: Introducing      fundamental    concepts          of          file structure.

CO7:Understanding      the     secondary     storage     like disk, tape

CO8: Introduction to buffer and buffer strategies CO9: learn file structures and record structures

CO10:Understanding the concept of Indexing, B trees, Hashing.




Computer Organization & Architecture






CO1:Understanding the registers and micro operations

CO2:Learn about basic computer organization and its design

CO3:Ability to know the micro programmed control

CO4: Understand the architecture and functionality of central processing unit.

CO5: Understanding the input and output organization concepts like Asynchronous data transfer, DMA, modes off transfer etc

CO6: Exemplify in a better way the I/O and memory organization

CO7: The students will be able to demonstrate the over view of computer architecture








Object Oriented Programming using C++ & JAVA









CO1: Students will understand the need of object oriented programming, fundamental concepts.

CO2:Gain knowledge on basic concepts of C++ like variables, data types ,operators etc

CO3: Understanding the building blocks of C++ like constructor, destruct or, friend function, this pointer, temp lattes etc

CO4: Ability to understand inheritance and polymorphism in C++

CO5: Student will understand the Java Introduction , Applets , arrays ,strings ,vectors

CO6: Students will be able to create user interfaces and packages also gain knowledge on multi threading

CO7: The students will be able to demonstrate programs on exceptions in C++ and Java

CO8: Ability to understand the streams and files





Advanced Computer Networks







CO1:To learn the basic concepts of computer networks.

CO2: Understand the concepts of Data Communication.

CO3: Understand Wireless LANs , MANs & Wireless Sensor Networks Operation

CO4: To study the design issues in networks.

CO5: Gain knowledge about working of Internet Transport Protocols

CO6: To learn the DNS,SNMP,FTP,HTTP and firewalls CO7:Understand the importance of network devices like bridges, routers, hubs, switches etc

CO8:Understand the advanced networks and its types.



Data & File Structures LAB





●          Design programs using a variety of data structures such as stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, search trees, heaps, graphs, and B-trees.

●          Analyze and implement various kinds of searching and sorting techniques.

●          Implement programs of for insert, delete, update records from file.

●          Design algorithms for hashing techniques.

Computer Organization LAB



●          Digital logic design experiments

●          Understanding assembly language programming







Formal Languages &             Finite Automata








CO1:Use concepts of formal languages of finite automata techniques

CO2: Design Finite Automata’s for different regular expressions and languages.

CO3:Construct context free grammar for various languages

CO4:Understanding the concept of push down automata CO5: Solve various problems of Turing Machines CO6: Understanding the concept of Universal Turing machines

CO7: Ability to understand the Chomsky hierarchy of languages.








Relational Database Management Systems










CO1: Understand concepts of database system architecture and relational models.

CO2: Able to understand SQL operations and trigger.

CO3: Understand the importance of ER models and concept of normalization.

CO4: To learn data base application design and development.

CO5: To perform the various queries on data base.

CO6: Understanding the data base system architectures and cloud based data storage.

CO7: Learns the importance of transaction processing and  concurrency control

CO8: Students can understand oracle ,IBM ,Microsoft sql server.








Advanced Operating Systems









CO1:Analyze & Classify different types of operating  system.

CO2:Understanding the process management and different types of scheduling algorithms.

CO3:Students will understand the process synchronization and also learn dead lock concepts.

CO4: Understand the Memory Management policies and file system implementations.

CO5: To learn the distributed operating systems goals and types

CO6: Gain knowledge about clock synchronization and consistency protocols.

CO7: Understand various protection and security mechanisms.

CO8: Understanding the UNIX ,LINUX , windows NT and andriod OS









ElectiveI: Embedded Systems










CO1: Acquire basic knowledge of micro controllers

CO2: Understanding the Microprocessor architecture

CO3: To learn the different types of architectures like round robin ,real time operating system etc

CO4: Understanding the semaphores and semaphores problems

CO5:Gain knowledge about pipes , memory management in message queues

CO6: Students will understand the detailed view of RTO design

CO7:Learn how the embedded software installed in the target machines

CO8: Students will be able to perform testing on host machine










Elective II : Web Technologies











CO1:Understanding the basic concepts of HTML like text , colours , css etc

CO2: Students are able to understand the use of java script and DHTML

CO3: To learn the XML syntax and XML processors

CO4:Understanding the JDBC objects and learn how to create JDBC packages

CO5: Students will be able to connect a java program to a DBMS and perform insert, update and delete operations on DBMS table.

CO6:Students will be able to write a server side java application called Servlet to catch form data sent from client, process it and store it on database

CO7:Students will be able to write a server side java application called JSP to catch form data sent from client and store it on database.

CO8:Understanding the java beans and MVC architecture



Advanced Java Programming LAB




●          Gain conceptual as well as practical knowledge of web- development Languages and web-designing tools.

●          Develop skills of basic web-development.

●          Able to use web design tools and to design and develop web- pages professionally.












●          Implement database models, schemas and instances.

●          Apply the use of constraints, normal forms and relational algebra operations.

●          Construct queries using SQL for efficient data transaction in a database.

●          Implement aggregate functions, joins, views and triggers in relational DBMS.

●          Handle relational database system like Oracle, MySQL by by applying knowledge of DBMS.

●          Basics of PL/SQL









Data Warehousing & Mining










CO1: Develop research oriented applications of data mining and data warehousing

CO2: Understand the necessity and importance of data  pre processing, data integration

CO3: Learn the concepts of OLAP technology, data mining methods, various classification and prediction methods

CO4: Students will understand the data processing and data cube technologies

CO5: Able to apply accuracy and error measures, methods of cluster analysis, graph mining and mining sequence patterns in biological data.

CO6:Understanding the classifications like bytes classification ,associative classification

CO7:Evaluation of clusters and clustering solutions







Object Oriented Software Engineering









CO1: Understand software process framework , requirement modeling approaches, software design, software quality

CO2: Students will understand the requirements of software engineering

CO3:To learn the types of UML diagrams ,use case diagrams and usability principles

CO4: Understanding the interaction and behavioral diagrams

CO5:Understang the different types of software patterns and architectural patterns

CO6: Able to apply software metrics and software testing.

CO7: Able to apply the concepts of software engineering which is essentially important while working on big modules and or projects.


Network Security & Cryptography



CO1: Study the basic idea behind cryptography and design the algorithm to make a secure communication.

CO2: Develop basic skills of secure Network



Architecture and explain the theory behind security

CO3: Knowledge about the authentication and various techniques used for the authentication. CO4: Understanding the public key and private key management.

CO5: Students will understand the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms.

CO6: Students will understand the Asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms.

CO7:Understanding the importance of security and fire walls

CO8: Students will learn the practical implementation of cryptography and security







Elective :III Cloud Computing


CO1: Understand the concepts, characteristics, delivery models and benefits of cloud computing.

CO2:Students will study the cloud computing with the titans

CO3:Study the detailed view of hardware and its infrastructure

CO4: Understanding the company offerings and different types of providers

CO5: To learn the developing applications of different vendors

CO6: Understanding the local clouds and thin clients

CO7: Evoluation of cloud services and best practices





●          Build on the engagement of learners who self-organize their participation according to learning goals, prior knowledge and skills, and common interests.









●          Design & implement complex software solutions using state of the art software solutions using state of art software Engineering Techniques.

●          To provide working knowledge of UML (Unified Modeling Languages) Sources control and project Management.

●          To provide working knowledge of the technologies essentially for incorporating in the project.

●          To expertise for testing and document software.



Network & Programming LAB




●          Develop knowledge to implement client server applications.

●          Develop skills in UNIX socket programming.

●          Develop skills to use simulation tools.

●          Analyze the performance of network protocols.

●          Analyze the network traffic.

●          Establish a Connection using TCP/IP Protocol





Seminar on Advanced Topics




●          To study the latest happenings in the field of IT for understanding of a new field, to summaries and review them.

●          Provide an opportunity to pursue their interest in research, theoretical and experimental approach.

●          To effectively communicate by making an oral presentation before an evaluation committee



Project/Thesis Work




●          Learn to apply the knowledge gained through various courses in solving a real life problem.

●  Practice different phases of software/system development life cycle.

● To introduce the student to a professional environment and/or style typical of a global IT industry,