Department Wise COs (Course Out Comes)




PaperPaper NameOutcomes
After completion of the course, the student should be able to



CO 1 : Apply critical thinking skills to solve complex problems involving complex numbers, trigonometric ratios, vectors, and statistical measures.

CO 2 :  To Explain the basic principles and concepts underlying a broad range of fundamental areas of physics and to Connect their knowledge of physics to everyday situations

CO 3 :  To Explain the basic principles and concepts underlying a broad range of fundamental areas of chemistry and to Connect their knowledge of chemistry to daily life.

CO 4 : Understand the interplay and connections between mathematics, physics, and chemistry in various applications. Recognize how mathematical models and physical and chemical principles can be used to explain and predict phenomena in different contexts.

CO 5 :  To explore the history and evolution of the Internet and to gain an understanding of network security concepts, including threats, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures.


CO 1 : Explore the applications of mathematics in various fields of physics and chemistry, to understand how mathematical concepts are used to model and solve real-world problems.

CO 2 : To Explain the basic principles and concepts underlying a broad range of fundamental areas of physics and to Connect their knowledge of physics to everyday situations. 3. Understand the different sources of renewable energy and their generation processes and advances in nano materials and their properties, with a focus on quantum dots. To study the emerging field of quantum communication and its potential applications. To gain an understanding of the principles of biophysics in studying biological systems. Explore the properties and applications of shape memory materials.

CO 3 : Understand the principles and techniques used in computer-aided drug design and drug delivery systems, to understand the fabrication techniques and working principles of nanosensors. Explore the effects of chemical pollutants on ecosystems and human health.

CO 4 :  Understand the interplay and connections between mathematics, physics, and chemistry in various advanced applications. Recognize how mathematical models and physical and chemical principles can be used to explain and predict phenomena in different contexts.

CO 5 : Understand and convert between different number systems, such as binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal. Differentiate between analog and digital signals and understand their characteristics. Gain knowledge of different types of transmission media, such as wired (e.g., copper cables, fiber optics) and wireless (e.g., radio waves, microwave, satellite).


Problem Solving using C


CO 1Understand the working of a digital computer and Fundamental constructs of Programming

CO 2Analyze and develop a solution to a given problem with suitable control structures

CO 3Apply the derived data types in program solutions

CO 4Use the ‘C’ language constructs in the right way

CO 5Apply the Dynamic Memory Management for effective memory utilization


COURSE 4Digital Logic Design

CO 1 : Understand how to Convert numbers from one radix to another radix and performarithmetic operations.

CO 2 : Simplify Boolean functions using Boolean algebra and k- maps

CO 3 : Design adders and subtractors circuits

CO 4 : Design combinational                 logic    circuits   such   as    decoders, encoders,        multiplexers      and demultiplexers.

CO 5 : Use flip flops to design registers and counters.

COURSE 5Object Oriented Programming using Java

CO 1 :Understand the basic concepts of Object-Oriented Programming and Java Program Constructs

CO 2 :Implement classes and objects and analyze Inheritance and Dynamic Method Dispatch

CO 3 :Demonstrate various classes in different packages and can design own packages

CO 4 :Manage Exceptions and Apply Threads

CO 5 :Create GUI screens along with event handling


Data Structures using C


CO 1Understand various Data Structures for data storage and processing.

CO 2Realize Linked List Data Structure for various operations

CO 3Analyze step by step and develop algorithms to solve real world problems by implementing Stacks, Queues data structures.

CO 4Understand and implement various searching & sorting techniques.

CO 5Understand the Non-Linear Data Structures such as Binary Trees and Graphs



Computer Organization


CO 1Identify different types of instructions

CO 2Differentiate between micro-programmed and hard-wired control units.

CO 3Analyse the performance of hierarchical organization of memory.

CO 4Summarize different data transfer techniques.

CO 5Demonstrate arithmetic operations on fixed- and floating-point numbers and illustrate concepts of parallel processing.

COURSE 8Operating Systems

CO 1 : Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of operating system functions.

CO 2 : Analyze different process scheduling algorithms and apply them to manage processes and threads effectively

CO 3 : Create strategies to prevent, detect, and recover from deadlocks, and design solutions for inter-process communication and synchronization problems.

CO 4 : Compare and contrast different memory allocation strategies and evaluate their effectiveness

CO 5 : Evaluate disk scheduling algorithms while implementing OS security measures


Database Management Systems


CO 1 : Differentiate between database systems and file based systems

CO 2 : Design a database using ER model

CO 3 : Use relational model in database design

CO 4 : Use SQL commands for creating and manipulating data stored in databases.

CO 5 : Write PL/SQL programs to work with databases.


COURSE 10Object Oriented Software Engineering

CO 1 :Understand and apply the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts and Unified Modeling Language (UML) basics, in the development of software solutions.

CO 2 :Analyze and specify software requirements, develop use cases and scenarios, apply object- oriented analysis and design (OOAD) principles

CO 3 :Familiar with the concept of test-driven development (TDD) and its practicalimplementation

CO 4 :Analyze and Evaluate Software Maintenance and Evolution Strategies

CO 5 :Apply Advanced Object-Oriented Software Engineering Concepts

COURSE 11Data Communication and Computer Networks

CO 1 : Understand and apply network applications, hardware, software, and reference models for network communication.

CO 2 : Design and analyze data link layer protocols, multiple access protocols, and wireless LAN technologies.

CO 3 : Design routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, and evaluate network layer protocols for internetworking.

CO 4 : Analyze transport service, transport protocols, and evaluate UDP and TCP in the internet.

CO 5 :   Understand and evaluate application layer protocols, including DNS, email, WWW, and network management protocols