Department Wise COs (Course Out Comes)



PaperPaper NameOutcomes
After completion of the course, the student should be able to



CO 1 : Apply critical thinking skills to solve complex problems involving complex numbers, trigonometric ratios, vectors, and statistical measures.

CO 2 :  To Explain the basic principles and concepts underlying a broad range of fundamental areas of physics and to Connect their knowledge of physics to everyday situations

CO 3 :  To Explain the basic principles and concepts underlying a broad range of fundamental areas of chemistry and to Connect their knowledge of chemistry to daily life.

CO 4 : Understand the interplay and connections between mathematics, physics, and chemistry in various applications. Recognize how mathematical models and physical and chemical principles can be used to explain and predict phenomena in different contexts.

CO 5 :  To explore the history and evolution of the Internet and to gain an understanding of network security concepts, including threats, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures.


CO 1 : Explore the applications of mathematics in various fields of physics and chemistry, to understand how mathematical concepts are used to model and solve real-world problems.

CO 2 : To Explain the basic principles and concepts underlying a broad range of fundamental areas of physics and to Connect their knowledge of physics to everyday situations. 3. Understand the different sources of renewable energy and their generation processes and advances in nanomaterials and their properties, with a focus on quantum dots. To study the emerging field of quantum communication and its potential applications. To gain an understanding of the principles of biophysics in studying biological systems. Explore the properties and applications of shape memory materials.

CO 3 : Understand the principles and techniques used in computer-aided drug design and drug delivery systems, to understand the fabrication techniques and working principles of nano sensors. Explore the effects of chemical pollutants on ecosystems and human health.

CO 4 :  Understand the interplay and connections between mathematics, physics, and chemistry in various advanced applications. Recognize how mathematical models and physical and chemical principles can be used to explain and predict phenomena in different contexts.

CO 5 : Understand and convert between different number systems, such as binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal. Differentiate between analog and digital signals and understand their characteristics. Gain knowledge of different types of transmission media, such as wired (e.g., copper cables, fiber optics) and wireless (e.g., radio waves, microwave, satellite).


CO 1 : 1. Students will be able to understand and apply the concepts of scalar and vector fields, calculate the gradient of a scalar field, determine the divergence and curl of a vector field.

CO 2 : Students will be able to apply the laws of motion, solve equations of motion for variable mass systems

CO 3 : Students will be able to define a rigid body and comprehend rotational kinematic relations, derive equations of motion for rotating bodies, analyze the precession of a top and gyroscope, understand the precession of the equinoxes

CO 4 : Students will be able to define central forces and provide examples, understand the characteristics and conservative nature of central forces, derive equations of motion under central forces.

CO 5 : Students will be able to differentiate between Galilean relativity and the concept of absolute frames, comprehend the postulates of the special theory of relativity, apply Lorentz transformations, understand and solve problems




CO 1 : Mastery of experimental techniques: Students should become proficient in using laboratory equipment and experimental techniques to measure properties of matter and analyze mechanical systems.

CO 2 :  Application of theory to practice: Students should be able to apply theoretical concepts learned in lectures to real-world situations, and understand the limitations of theoretical models.

CO 3 : Accurate recording and analysis of data: Students should be able to accurately record and analyze experimental data, including understanding the significance of error analysis and statistical methods.

CO 4 : Critical thinking and problem solving: Students should be able to identify sources of error, troubleshoot experimental problems, and develop critical thinking skills in experimental design and analysis.

CO 5 : Understanding of physical principles: Students should develop an understanding of the physical principles governing mechanical systems and the properties of matter, including elasticity, viscosity, and thermal expansion.


CO 1To describe the basic characteristics of waves such as frequency, wavelength, amplitude, period, and speed.

CO 2To utilize mathematical relationships related to wave characteristics.

CO 3To compare particle motion and wave motion in different types of waves.

CO 4To distinguish between Longitudinal and Transverse waves.

CO 5To get the knowledge about how to construct and analysis the square waves, saw tooth waves, etc. from Fourier analysis




CO 1 :    Students are made to determine the unknown frequency of tuning fork by volume resonator experiment

CO 2 :    Students are made to determine ‘g’ by compound/bar pendulum

CO 3 :    Students are made to determine the force constant of a spring by static and dynamic method

CO 4 :    Students are made to determine the elastic constants of the material of a flat spiral spring.

CO 5 :    Students are made to verify the laws of vibrations of stretched string –sonometer

CO 6 :    Students are made to determine the frequency of a bar –Melde’s experiment.

CO 7 :    Students are made to study the damped oscillation using the torsional pendulum immersed in liquid-decay constant and damping correction of the amp


CO 1 :   Explain about the different aberrations in lenses and discuss the methods of minimizing them

CO 2 :   Understand the phenomenon of interference of light and its formation in (i) Lloyd’s single mirror due to division of wave front and (ii) Thin films, Newton’s rings and Michelson interferometer due to division of amplitude.

CO 3 :    Distinguish between Fresnel’s diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction and observe the diffraction patterns in the case of single slit and the diffraction grating and to describe the construction and working of zone plate and make the comparison of zone plate with convex lens

CO 4 :    Explain the various methods of production of plane, circularly and polarized light and their detection and the concept of optical activity.

CO 5 :    Comprehend the basic principle of laser, the working of He-Ne laser and Ruby lasers and their applications in different fields. To understand the basic principles of fibre optic communication and explore the field of Holography and Nonlinear optics and their applications.



CO 1 :  Mastery of experimental techniques: Students should become proficient in using laboratory equipment and experimental techniques for studying light and its interactions with matter.

CO 2 :  Application of theory to practice: Students should be able to apply theoretical concepts learned in lectures to real-world situations, and understand the limitations of theoretical models.

CO 3 : Accurate recording and analysis of data: Students should be able to accurately record and analyze experimental data, including understanding the significance of error analysis and statistical methods.

CO 4 : Critical thinking and problem solving: Students should be able to identify sources of error, troubleshoot experimental problems, and develop critical thinking skills in experimental design and analysis.

CO 5 : Understanding of physical principles: Students should develop an understanding of the physical principles governing optics, including reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, and polarization.


CO 1 :   Understand the basic aspects of kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, equipartition of energies, mean free path of molecular collisions and the transport phenomenon in ideal gases

CO 2 :    Gain knowledge on the basic concepts of thermodynamics, the first and the second lawof thermodynamics, the basic principles of refrigeration, the concept of entropy, the thermodynamic potentials and their physical interpretations. Understand the working of Carnot’s ideal heat engine, Carnot cycle and its efficiency

CO 3 :   Develop critical understanding of concept of Thermodynamic potentials,the formulation of Maxwell’s equations and its applications.

CO 4 :    Differentiate between principles and methods to produce low temperature, liquefy air, and understand the practical applications of substances at low temperatures.

CO 5 :    Examine the nature of black body radiations and the basic theories



CO 1 :   Mastery of experimental techniques: Students should become proficient in using laboratory equipment and experimental techniques for studying heat and thermodynamics.

CO 2 Application of theory to practice: Students should be able to apply theoretical concepts learned in lectures to real-world situations, and understand the limitations of theoretical models.

CO 3Accurate recording and analysis of data: Students should be able to accurately record and analyze experimental data, including understanding the significance of error analysis and statistical methods.

CO 4 Critical thinking and problem solving: Students should be able to identify sources of error, troubleshoot experimental problems, and develop critical thinking skills in experimental design and analysis.

CO 5 Understanding of physical principles: Students should develop an understanding of the physical principles governing heat and thermodynamics, including the laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and thermodynamic cycles.


CO 1 :   Understand the behavior of P-N junction diodes in forward and reverse bias conditions and analyze the impact of junction capacitance on diode characteristics.

CO 2 :    Analyze and compare the characteristics and operation of different BJT configurations (CB, CE, and CC) and demonstrate proficiency in biasing techniques.

CO 3 :    Comprehend the operation and characteristics of FETs, including JFETs and MOSFETs, and explain the working principles and characteristics of UJTs.

CO 4 :   Describe the operation and applications of various photoelectric devices such as LEDs, photo diodes, phototransistors, and LDRs.

CO 5 :    Understand the operation of rectifiers (half-wave, full-wave, and bridge), analyze the ripple factor and efficiency, and demonstrate knowledge of different filter types and three-terminal voltage regulators



CO 1 : Understand the principles of electronic devices and circuits and their applications in real-world scenarios.

CO 2 : Analyze and design electronic circuits using diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers.

CO 3 :  Understand the importance of biasing and stability in electronic circuits and how to achieve them.

CO 4 : Develop the skills to design and analyze amplifier circuits and to understand the concept of feedback and its application in electronic circuits.

CO 5 :  Analyze and design simple oscillators, power supplies, and filters.

CO 6 : Gain hands-on experience with electronic test equipment such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, and function generators.

CO 7 : Develop skills in circuit construction, measurement, and testing.

CO 8 :  Learn how to troubleshoot and diagnose electronic circuit problems.

CO 9 : Understand the safety procedures for working with electronic circuits and equipment.


CO 1 : Understand Principles and Working of Operational Amplifier

CO 2 : Apply their knowledge on OP-Amp in different Applications

CO 3 : To understand the number systems, Binary codes and Complements.

CO 4 : To understand the Boolean algebra and simplification of Boolean expressions.

CO 5 : To analyze logic processes and implement logical operations using combinational logic circuits.

CO 6 :  To understand the concepts of sequential circuits and to analyze sequential systems in terms of state machines



CO 1 :    Understand the principles of analog and digital electronic circuits and their applications in real-world scenarios.

CO 2 :     Analyze and design analog electronic circuits using diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers.

CO 3 :    Analyze and design digital electronic circuits using logic gates, flip-flops, and counters.

CO 4 :    Understand the importance of biasing, feedback, and stability in electronic circuits and how to achieve them.

CO 5 :    Develop the skills to design and analyze amplifier circuits and digital systems.


CO 1 :Understand the Gauss law and its application to obtain electric field in different cases and formulate the relationship between electric displacement vector, electric polarization, Susceptibility, Permittivity and Dielectric constant.

CO 2 : To learn the methods used to solve problems using loop analysis, Nodal analysis, Thvenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, and the Superposition theorem

CO 3 : Distinguish between the magnetic effect of electric current and electromagnetic induction and apply the related laws in appropriate circumstances.

CO 4 : Understand Biot and Savart’s law and Ampere’s circuital law to describe and explain the generation of magnetic fields by electrical currents.

CO 5 : Develop an understanding on the unification of electric, and magnetic fields and Maxwell’s equations governing electromagnetic waves.

CO 6 : Phenomenon of resonance in LCR AC-circuits, sharpness of resonance, Q- factor, Power factor and the comparative study of series and parallel resonant circuits.



CO 1 :   Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of electricity and magnetism.

CO 2 :   Apply the laws and principles of electricity and magnetism to analyze and solve electrical and magnetic problems. Design, construct, and test electrical circuits using various components and measuring instruments.

CO 3 :   Measure and analyze electrical quantities such as voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and inductance using appropriate instruments.

CO 4 :   Apply the principles of electromagnetism to understand and analyze the behavior of magnetic fields and their interactions with electric currents


CO 1 :   Understand the principles of atomic structure and spectroscopy.

CO 2 :    Understand the principles of molecular structure and spectroscopy

CO 3 :    Develop critical understanding of concept of Matter waves and Uncertainty principle.

CO 4 :   Get familiarized with the principles of quantum mechanics and the formulation of Schrodinger wave equation and its applications.

CO 5 :   Increase the awareness and appreciation of superconductors and their practical applications


CO 1 :  Apply experimental techniques and equipment to investigate and analyze phenomena related to modern physics, such as quantum mechanics, relativity, atomic physics, and nuclear physics.

CO 2 :   Demonstrate a deep understanding of the principles and theories of modern physics through hands-on experimentation and data analysis.

CO 3 :  Develop proficiency in using advanced laboratory instruments and techniques specific to modern physics experiments, such as spectroscopy, interferometry, particle detectors, and radiation measurement.

CO 4 :  Analyze and interpret experimental data using statistical methods and error analysis, drawing meaningful conclusions and relating them to theoretical concepts

CO 5 :  Design and conduct independent experiments or investigations related to modern physics, demonstrating the ability to plan, execute, and analyze experimental procedures and results.


CO 1 :   know about high energy particles and their applications which prepares them for further study and research in elcitrapphysics

CO 2 :   Students can explain important concepts on nucleon-nucleon interaction, such as its short-range, spin dependence, isospin, and tensors.

CO 3 :   Students can show the potential shapes from nucleon nucleon interactions.

CO 4 :   Students can explain the single particle model, its strengths, and weaknesses

CO 5 :   Students can explain magic numbers based on this model



CO 1 :     Gain a solid understanding of fundamental concepts in nuclear and particle physics.

CO 2 :      Acquire knowledge of experimental techniques and methodologies used in the field.

CO 3 :     Understand the principles and operation of laboratory equipment and instruments specific to nuclear and particle physics experiments.

CO 4 :     Develop proficiency in conducting experiments related to nuclear and particle physics.

CO 5 :      Acquire skills in data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation using appropriate software and techniques. 6. Learn to des